Hyperbee JsonPointer

Hyperbee JsonPointer provides a simple and efficient way to navigate JSON documents using pointer syntax, as defined in RFC 6901. It supports both JsonElement and JsonNode, making it a versatile tool for JSON manipulation in .NET.


  • High Performance: Optimized for speed and efficiency.
  • Low Memory Allocations: Designed to minimize memory usage.
  • Conformance: Fully adheres to RFC 6901 for JSON Pointer.
  • Supports both JsonElement and JsonNode: Works seamlessly with both JSON document types.


Basic Usage

You can use JsonPointer to retrieve a value from a JSON document.

var json = """
  "store": { 
    "book": [
      { "category": "fiction" }, 
      { "category": "science" } 

var document = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
var value = JsonPathPointer<JsonElement>.FromPointer(document.RootElement, "/store/book/0/category")

Console.WriteLine(value.GetString()); // Output: "fiction"

Using JsonNode

JsonPointer also supports JsonNode for pointer operations.

var json = """
  "store": { 
    "book": [
      { "category": "fiction" }, 
      { "category": "science" } 

var node = JsonNode.Parse(json);
var value = JsonPointer<JsonNode>.FromPointer(node, "/store/book/1/category")

Console.WriteLine(value.GetValue<string>()); // Output: "science"

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