JSONPath Syntax Reference

JSONPath is a query language for JSON that allows you to extract specific values from JSON documents. This page outlines the syntax and operators supported by Hyperbee.Json.

JSONPath Overview

JSONPath operates on JSON documents:

  • The special symbol $ is used to reference the root JSON node.
  • The special symbol @ is used to reference the current JSON node.
  • Queries can use dot-notation: $.store.book[0].title, or bracket-notation: $['store']['book'][0]['title']
  • Filters may be used to conditionally include results: $.store.book[?(@.price < 10)]

JSONPath Syntax

JSONPath Description
$ Root JSON node
@ Current JSON node
.<name>, .'<name>', or ."<name>" Object member dot operator
[<name>], or ['<name>'], or ["<name>"] Object member subscript operator
[<index] Array access operator
[,] Union operator
[start:end:step] Array slice operator
*, or [*] Wildcard
.. Recursive descent
?<expr> Filter selector

JSONPath Extended Syntax

The library extends the JSONPath expression syntax to support additional features.

Operators Description Example
+ - * \ % Basic math operators. $[?(@.a + @.b == 3)]
in Tests is a value is in a set. $[?@.value in ['a', 'b', 'c'] ]

JSONPath Operators

Root Node

$ is used as the root node identifier. $ refers to the entire JSON document, serving as the starting point for any JSONPath expression.

For instance, the expression $.store.book would navigate from the root of the JSON document to the store object and then to the book array within that object.

Child Operator

. is used to select the child elements of a given node. It helps to navigate through the JSON structure by accessing the properties of objects and elements of arrays directly from their parent nodes.

Expression Description
$.store Selects the store child of the root element.
$.store.book Selects the book child of the store element.
$.store.book[0].title Selects the title of the first book in store.
  using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
  using System.Text.Json;

  var json = """
    "store": { 
      "book": "value" 
  var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
  var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.store.book");

  Console.WriteLine(result.First()); // Output: "value"

Subscript Operator

[] Access Elements by Index.

Expression Description
$[0] Selects the first element of the array.
$[-1] Selects the last element of the array.
$[1:3] Selects the second and third elements of the array.
  using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
  using System.Text.Json;

  var json = """
    "store": {
      "book": [
  var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
  var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.store.book[0]");

  Console.WriteLine(result.First()); // Output: "value1"


[*] Wildcard.

JSONPath Description
$.* Selects all children of the root element.
$..book[*] Selects all book elements regardless of their depth.
$..* Selects all elements and their children recursively.
  using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
  using System.Text.Json;

  var json = """
    "store": {
      "book": [

  var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
  var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.store.book[*]");

  foreach (var item in result)
  // Output: "value1"
  // Output: "value2"

.. Descendant Search.

Expression Description
$..* Selects all elements and their children recursively.
$..author Selects all author elements at any depth.
$..store.book Selects all book elements under store at any depth.
  using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
  using System.Text.Json;

  var json = """
    "store": {
      "book": [
          "category": "fiction"
          "category": "science"
      "bicycle": {
        "category": "road"

  var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
  var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$..category");

  foreach (var item in result)
  // Output: "fiction"
  // Output: "science"
  // Output: "road"


[ , ] Select multiple items.

Filter Description JSONPath Expression Description
Selecting Multiple Keys $[?(@.key1 == value1), (@.key2 == value2)] Selects elements where key1 is value1 or key2 is value2.
Selecting Multiple Elements by Index $[0, 2, 4] Selects elements at index 0, 2, and 4.
Selecting Multiple Nested Keys $..['key1', 'key2'] Selects all elements that have key1 or key2 at any level.
Selecting Elements with Multiple Conditions $[?(@.key1 == value1) || ?(@.key2 == value2)] Selects elements where either key1 is value1 or key2 is value2.
  using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
  using System.Text.Json;

  var json = """
    "store": {
      "book": [

  var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
  var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.store.book[0,2]");

  foreach (var item in result)
  // Output: "value1"
  // Output: "value3"


The syntax for a slice is: [start:end:step]

Each component is optional.

  • start: The beginning index of the slice (inclusive). Defaults to 0 if omitted and step is positive, or the end of the sequence if step is negative.
  • stop: The end index of the slice (exclusive). Defaults to the length of the sequence if omitted and step is positive, or the start of the sequence if step is negative.
  • step: The interval between indices. Defaults to 1 if omitted.

Slice Expression Description

Slice Expression Description
[start:stop] Elements from start to stop-1
[start:] Elements from start to the end of the sequence
[:stop] Elements from the start of the sequence to stop-1
[:] All elements
[start:stop:step] Elements from start to stop-1 with a step of step


Example Description
$[-1] Last element
$[-2:] Last two elements
$[:-2] All elements except the last two
$[::-1] All elements, in reverse
$[1::-1] First two elements, in reverse
$[:-3:-1] Last two elements, in reverse
$[-3::-1] All elements except the last two, in reverse
  using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
  using System.Text.Json;

  var json = """
    "store": {
      "book": [

  var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
  var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.store.book[0:3:2]");

  foreach (var item in result)
  // Output: "value1"
  // Output: "value3"


Filter Expressions

? Filter elements based on an expression.

JSONPath Filters

JSONPath filters allow you to query and manipulate JSON data structures by specifying conditions within square brackets []. These filters enable you to select elements based on various criteria.

Basic Syntax

The general syntax for a JSONPath filter is:

$[?(@.key operator value)]

  • @: Refers to the current element being processed.
  • key: The key within the JSON objects to apply the filter on.
  • operator: The comparison operator (e.g., ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, in, nin).
  • value: The value to compare the key against.

Comparison Operators

Operator Description
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to


Filter Operator Expression Description
Equality $[?(@.age == 30)] Selects elements where the age key is equal to 30.
Inequality $[?(@.name != "John")] Selects elements where the name key is not “John”.
Greater Than $[?(@.price > 20)] Selects elements where the price key is greater than 20.
Less Than $[?(@.quantity < 5)] Selects elements where the quantity key is less than 5.

Combining Filters

Filters can be combined using logical operators && (and) and || (or).

Filter Operator Expression Description
Logical AND $[?(@.price > 20 && @.quantity < 5)] Selects elements where the price key is greater than 20 and the quantity key is less than 5.
Logical OR $[?(@.name == "John" || @.age > 30)] Selects elements where the name key is “John” or the age key is greater than 30.
  using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
  using System.Text.Json;

  var json = """
    "store": {
      "book": [
          "price": 10
          "price": 15

  var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
  var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.store.book[?@.price > 10]");

  foreach (var item in result)
  // Output: { "price": 15 }

Current Node

@ Current Node.

Expression Description
$[?(@.price < 10)] Selects elements with price less than 10.
$[?(@.name)] Selects elements that have a name key.
$[?(@.age > 25)] Selects elements with age greater than 25.
  using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
  using System.Text.Json;

  var json = """
    "store": {
      "book": [
          "price": 10
          "price": 15

  var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
  var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.store.book[?(@.price > 10)]");

  foreach (var item in result)
  // Output: { "price": 15 }

More Examples

JSON Sample Document 1

  "store": {
    "book": [
      { "category": "fiction", "price": 10 },
      { "category": "science", "price": 15 }

Select all books:

   using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
   using System.Text.Json;

   var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
   var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.store.book[*]");

   foreach (var item in result)
   // Output: { "category": "fiction", "price": 10 }
   // Output: { "category": "science", "price": 15 }

Select all categories:

   using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
   using System.Text.Json;

   var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
   var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.store.book[*].category");

   foreach (var item in result)
   // Output: "fiction"
   // Output: "science"

Select books with price greater than 10:

   using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
   using System.Text.Json;

   var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
   var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.store.book[?@.price > 10]");

   foreach (var item in result)
   // Output: { "category": "science", "price": 15 }

JSON Sample Document 2

  "library": {
    "books": [
      { "title": "Book 1", "details": { "author": "Author 1" } },
      { "title": "Book 2", "details": { "author": "Author 2" } }

Select all book titles:

   using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
   using System.Text.Json;

   var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
   var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.library.books[*].title");

   foreach (var item in result)
   // Output: "Book 1"
   // Output: "Book 2"

Select all authors:

   using Hyperbee.JsonPath;
   using System.Text.Json;

   var root = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
   var result = JsonPath.Select(root, "$.library.books[*].details.author");

   foreach (var item in result)
   // Output: "Author 1"
   // Output: "Author 2"

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