Pipeline Syntax
Method | Description |
Call | Execute a void statement that does not transform the pipeline output. |
CallAsync | Asynchronously execute a void statement that does not transform the pipeline output. |
Pipe | Execute a statement that transforms the pipeline output. |
PipeAsync | Asynchronously execute a statement that transforms the pipeline output. |
Flow Control
Method | Description |
Pipe | Pipes a child pipeline with optional middlewares. |
PipeIf | Conditionally pipes a child pipeline with optional middlewares. |
Call | Calls a child pipeline with optional middlewares. |
CallIf | Conditionally calls a child pipeline with optional middlewares. |
ForEach | Enumerates a collection pipeline input. |
Reduce | Transforms an enumerable pipeline input. |
WaitAll | Waits for concurrent pipelines to complete. |
Method | Description |
Cancel | Cancels the pipeline after the current step. |
CancelWith | Cancels the pipeline with a value, after the current step. |
- Execute a statement that does not transform the pipeline output.CallAsync
- Asynchronously execute a statement that does not transform the pipeline output.Pipe
- Execute a statement that transforms the pipeline output.PipeAsync
- Asynchronously execute a statement that transforms the pipeline output.
In this example notice that arg + 9
is not returned from the use of Call
var callResult = string.Empty;
var command = PipelineFactory
.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg + "1" )
.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg + "2" )
.Call( builder => builder
.Call( ( ctx, arg ) => callResult = arg + "3" )
.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg + "9" )
.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg + "4" )
var result = await command( new PipelineContext() );
Assert.AreEqual( "124", result );
Assert.AreEqual( "123", callResult );
If Conditions
and PipeIfAsync
allow you to conditionally add a step to the pipeline. You can specify a condition function that determines whether the step should be added, a builder function that creates the step, and an optional flag indicating whether middleware should be inherited.### CallIf
and CallIfAsync
allow you to conditionally call a child pipeline with optional middlewares. You can specify a condition function that determines whether the child pipeline should be called, a builder function that creates the child pipeline, and an optional flag indicating whether middleware should be inherited.### ForEach
// Takes a string and returns a number
var question = PipelineFactory
.PipeIf((ctx, arg) => arg == "Adams", builder => builder
.Pipe((ctx, arg) => 42)
.Pipe((ctx, arg) => 0)
var answer1 = await question(new PipelineContext(), "Adams");
Assert.AreEqual(42, answer1);
var answer2 = await question(new PipelineContext(), "Smith");
Assert.AreEqual(0, answer2);
and ForEachAsync
allow you to enumerate a collection pipeline input and apply a pipeline to each element.
var count = 0;
var command = PipelineFactory
.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg.Split( ' ' ) )
.ForEach().Type<string>( builder => builder
.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => count += 10 )
.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => count += 5 )
await command( new PipelineContext(), "e f" );
Assert.AreEqual( count, 25 );
and ReduceAync
allow you to transform an enumerable pipeline input to a single value. You can specify a reducer function that defines how the elements should be combined, and a builder function that creates the pipeline for processing the elements.### Cancel
var command = PipelineFactory
.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg.Split( ' ' ) )
.Reduce().Type<string, int>( ( aggregate, value ) => aggregate + value, builder => builder
.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => int.Parse( arg ) + 10 )
.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg + 5 )
var result = await command( new PipelineContext(), "1 2 3 4 5" );
Assert.AreEqual( result, 70 );
allows you to wait for concurrent pipelines to complete before continuing. You can specify a set of builders that create the pipelines to wait for, and a reducer function that combines the results of the pipelines.
var count = 0;
var command = PipelineFactory
.WaitAll( builders => builders.Create(
builder => builder.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => Interlocked.Increment( ref count ) ),
builder => builder.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => Interlocked.Increment( ref count ) )
reducer: ( ctx, arg, results ) => { return arg + results.Sum( x => (int) x.Result ); }
var result = await command( new PipelineContext() );
Assert.AreEqual( 2, count );
Assert.AreEqual( 3, result );
method allows you to cancel the pipeline after the current step.
method allows you to cancel the pipeline with a value after the current step.