Pipeline Syntax


Method Description
Call Execute a void statement that does not transform the pipeline output.
CallAsync Asynchronously execute a void statement that does not transform the pipeline output.
Pipe Execute a statement that transforms the pipeline output.
PipeAsync Asynchronously execute a statement that transforms the pipeline output.

Flow Control

Method Description
Pipe Pipes a child pipeline with optional middlewares.
PipeIf Conditionally pipes a child pipeline with optional middlewares.
Call Calls a child pipeline with optional middlewares.
CallIf Conditionally calls a child pipeline with optional middlewares.
ForEach Enumerates a collection pipeline input.
Reduce Transforms an enumerable pipeline input.
WaitAll Waits for concurrent pipelines to complete.


Method Description
Cancel Cancels the pipeline after the current step.
CancelWith Cancels the pipeline with a value, after the current step.



  • Call - Execute a statement that does not transform the pipeline output.
  • CallAsync - Asynchronously execute a statement that does not transform the pipeline output.
  • Pipe - Execute a statement that transforms the pipeline output.
  • PipeAsync - Asynchronously execute a statement that transforms the pipeline output.

In this example notice that arg + 9 is not returned from the use of Call.

var callResult = string.Empty;

var command = PipelineFactory
    .Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg + "1" )
    .Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg + "2" )
    .Call( builder => builder
        .Call( ( ctx, arg ) => callResult = arg + "3" )
        .Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg + "9" )
    .Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg + "4" )

var result = await command( new PipelineContext() );

Assert.AreEqual( "124", result );
Assert.AreEqual( "123", callResult );

If Conditions

PipeIf and PipeIfAsync allow you to conditionally add a step to the pipeline. You can specify a condition function that determines whether the step should be added, a builder function that creates the step, and an optional flag indicating whether middleware should be inherited.### CallIf

CallIf and CallIfAsync allow you to conditionally call a child pipeline with optional middlewares. You can specify a condition function that determines whether the child pipeline should be called, a builder function that creates the child pipeline, and an optional flag indicating whether middleware should be inherited.### ForEach

// Takes a string and returns a number
var question = PipelineFactory
    .PipeIf((ctx, arg) => arg == "Adams", builder => builder
        .Pipe((ctx, arg) => 42)
    .Pipe((ctx, arg) => 0)

var answer1 = await question(new PipelineContext(), "Adams");
Assert.AreEqual(42, answer1);

var answer2 = await question(new PipelineContext(), "Smith");
Assert.AreEqual(0, answer2);


ForEach and ForEachAsync allow you to enumerate a collection pipeline input and apply a pipeline to each element.

var count = 0;

var command = PipelineFactory
    .Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg.Split( ' ' ) )
    .ForEach().Type<string>( builder => builder
        .Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => count += 10 )
    .Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => count += 5 )

await command( new PipelineContext(), "e f" );

Assert.AreEqual( count, 25 );


Reduce and ReduceAync allow you to transform an enumerable pipeline input to a single value. You can specify a reducer function that defines how the elements should be combined, and a builder function that creates the pipeline for processing the elements.### Cancel

var command = PipelineFactory
     .Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg.Split( ' ' ) )
     .Reduce().Type<string, int>( ( aggregate, value ) => aggregate + value, builder => builder
         .Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => int.Parse( arg ) + 10 )
     .Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => arg + 5 )

var result = await command( new PipelineContext(), "1 2 3 4 5" );

Assert.AreEqual( result, 70 );


WaitAll allows you to wait for concurrent pipelines to complete before continuing. You can specify a set of builders that create the pipelines to wait for, and a reducer function that combines the results of the pipelines.

var count = 0;

var command = PipelineFactory
    .WaitAll( builders => builders.Create(
            builder => builder.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => Interlocked.Increment( ref count ) ),
            builder => builder.Pipe( ( ctx, arg ) => Interlocked.Increment( ref count ) )
        reducer: ( ctx, arg, results ) => { return arg + results.Sum( x => (int) x.Result ); }

var result = await command( new PipelineContext() );

Assert.AreEqual( 2, count );
Assert.AreEqual( 3, result );


Cancel method allows you to cancel the pipeline after the current step.

CancelWith method allows you to cancel the pipeline with a value after the current step.

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