Welcome to Hyperbee Expressions
is a library for creating c# expression trees that extend the capabilities of standard expression trees to handle asynchronous workflows and other language constructs.
- Async Expressions
: An expression that represents an await operation.AsyncBlockExpression
: An expression that represents an asynchronous code block.
- Using Expression
: An expression that automatically disposes IDisposable resources.
- Looping Expressions
: An expression that represents a while loop.ForExpression
: An expression that represents a for loop.ForEachExpression
: An expression that represents a foreach loop.
- Other Expressions
: An expression that creates a string using a supplied format string and parameters.DebugExpression
: An expression that helps when debugging expression trees.
- Supports Fast Expression Compiler (FEC) for improved performance.
Asynchronous Expressions
The following example demonstrates how to create an asynchronous expression tree.
When the expression tree is compiled, the AsyncBlockExpression
will auto-generate a state machine that executes AwaitExpressions
in the block asynchronously.
public class Example
public async Task ExampleAsync()
// Create an async block that calls async methods and assigns their results
var instance = Constant( this );
var result1 = Variable( typeof(int), "result1" );
var result2 = Variable( typeof(int), "result2" );
var asyncBlock = BlockAsync(
[result1, result2],
Assign( result1, Await(
Call( instance, nameof(FirstAsyncMethod), Type.EmptyTypes )
) ),
Assign( result2, Await(
Call( instance, nameof(SecondAsyncMethod), Type.EmptyTypes, result1 )
) )
// Compile and execute the async block
var lambda = Lambda<Func<Task<int>>>( asyncBlock );
var compiledLambda = lambda.Compile();
var resultValue2 = await compiledLambda();
Console.WriteLine( $"Second async method result: {resultValue2}" );
public static async Task<int> FirstAsyncMethod()
await Task.Delay( 1000 ); // Simulate async work
return 42; // Example result
public static async Task<int> SecondAsyncMethod( int value )
await Task.Delay( 1000 ); // Simulate async work
return value * 2; // Example result
Using Expression
The following example demonstrates how to create a Using expression.
public class Example
private class DisposableResource : IDisposable
public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; }
public void Dispose() => IsDisposed = true;
public void ExampleUsing()
var resource = new TestDisposableResource();
var disposableExpression = Expression.Constant( resource, typeof( TestDisposableResource ) );
var bodyExpression = Expression.Empty(); // Actual body isn't important
var usingExpression = ExpressionExtensions.Using(
var compiledLambda = Expression.Lambda<Action>( reducedExpression ).Compile();
Console.WriteLine( $"Resource was disposed {resource.IsDisposed}." );
Special thanks to:
- Sergey Tepliakov - Dissecting the async methods in C#.
- Fast Expression Compiler for improved performance. :heart:
- Just The Docs for the documentation theme.
We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guide for more details.